
Gets the value if not null. If this is in the null state, and the optional parameter fallback was provided, it will be returned. Without fallback, calling get with a null state is invalid.

When the fallback type is different from the Nullable type, get(T) returns the common type.

  1. auto get()
  2. inout(AllowedTypes[1]) get()
  3. inout(AllowedTypes[1]) get [@property setter]
    struct Algebraic(_Types...)
    @property ref return inout
    static if(is(AllowedTypes[0] == typeof(null)))
    static if(AllowedTypes.length == 2)
    auto ref inout(AllowedTypes[1]) fallback
  4. auto ref get()
  5. template get(RetTypes...)
  6. alias get(Kind kind) = get!(AllowedTypes[kind])
  7. auto ref get()


fallback inout(AllowedTypes[1])

the value to return in case the Nullable is null.

Return Value

Type: inout(AllowedTypes[1])

The value held internally by this Nullable.


enum E { a = "a", b = "b" }
Nullable!E f = E.a;
auto e = f.get();
static assert(is(typeof(e) == E), Nullable!E.AllowedTypes.stringof);
assert(e == E.a);

assert(f.get(E.b) == E.a);

f = null;
assert(f.get(E.b) == E.b);
